Friday 4 December 2009

What a Balls Up!

Hahaha: this is funny as fuck!

ZaNuLiebore and their hatchet-man Alastair Campbell have blown the dog-whistles and declared it open season on class war, pointing and laughing at top toffs Cameron and Osborne and Johnson. Bullingdon Club. Hooray Henries. And so forth.

All jolly japes and high jinks.

Now MotCO is no god-botherer, but as winner of my institutional learning facility's Divinity prize 3 years running, I am reminded of Matthew 7:5. Best in the King James version:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

You see, bug-eyed Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Mr Ed Balls has been outed as one of the chaps. As Guido Fawkes reports, after leaving his expensive fee-paying school in Nottingham, said Balls was installed at posh toffs' Keble College, Oxford, where he wasted little time in:

(1) Joining the Oxford University Conservative Association, and

(2) Signing up to a notorious all-male drinking club known as 'The Steamers'

Here is said Balls, whooping it up at some initiation rite whilst clad in full Nazi regalia and contemplating the buttocks of a close pal...

But he's not just an arse man. He goes for tits, too (Ed's the chap on the right)

All good sporting fun for these public school and Oxbridge educated toffs, eh? Quite reminds me of my own days at the other place!

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